Tackle and Tactics
Mike Ladle


Information Page.

"The 11th to 20th commandments."

After writing the 'Ten Commandments' of bass angling last week I recieved another set of more general instructions from the almighty (my son Richard). I've put them on this (slightly edited) page to (hopefully) give you a chuckle (well it gave me one). You'll probably gather that Richard (a very keen allround angler) watches fishing programmes on the box more than I do.

(11) John Wilson is thy one true God. Thou shalt not worship false prophets (with the possible exception of Matt Hayes).

(12) Thou shalt constantly sing the praises of those very kings of fishes, the chub and the bream.

(13) Thou shalt whenever possible fish from the comfort of thy bedchair and underneath thy massive umbrella.

(14) Thou shalt frequently anoint thy boilies in vile substances unkownst to man.

(15) Thou shalt always use inappropriately large leads and thick fluorescent lines when fishing in the sea.

(16) Thou shalt change thy lure or fly as regularly as the wind shall shift direction (or much more often if you can manage it).

(17) Thou shalt, whenever possible, select a many-coloured, daylight fluorescent, holographic lure in preference to a plain one.

(18) Thou shalt always have resort to the most expensive guide when fishing abroad.

(19) Thou shalt always use inappropriately light line and silly bendy rods whilst fishing in Australia (presumably following the teachings of the lesser antipodean demigod Rex Hunt).

(20) Thou shalt, above all, cast logic aside and believe any worthless speculation about the behaviour and ecology of fish.

If you have any comments or questions about fish, methods, tactics or 'what have you.'get in touch with me by sending an E-MAIL to - docladle@hotmail.com


Commandments 11 to 20.

A king amongst fishes.

Even the mighty chub falls victim to a simple J11.

The holy weed pile.

An angler has clearly left his prized possessions on this sacred mound of decaying algae to propitiate the great god John Wilson.

The blessed rays egg and divine cuttlebone.

Touching these revered artefacts may induce a vision of the great bass of Purbeck (it has not been seen for decades).
